Thursday, November 12, 2009

Les hommes sauvage - The wild men....

So no gay areas here - sorry - no grey areas here - 'we the people' are either for or against - and at least you know where you stand

Knowing "where you stand" is important - and like most of the populous - the guy pictured left has a definite opinion.

Often wrong, but never in doubt - this seems the motto of the middle class that have difficulty seeing beyond the fact that they are fortunate (IE lucky) to be white and a stockholder in some start up that will be bigger than google and which - no credit to their own talent or ingenuity - will give them a bigger bank balance than their neighbor.

But all isn't lost - there is always the Glide....

The Glide is wonderful and an oasis of hope amidst a desert of greed and one up-manship - I like the Glide, I like the Glide immensely. (Glide Memorial - Google it and check it out)

The Glide are Methodists - and although I have little truck with religion - I like Methodists a lot too.

It's a simple thing - rather than dress up in pearls on Sunday and preach about the "Good Samaritan" they actually get of their spotty behinds and go DO something.

It doesn't have to be much - serve food - arrange doctors appointments - but its is action and I like action and dislike spin and "compassion"

So if you want to do something about it - then do it - stop talking and do - if you don't care then that's fine too - just don't be a hypocrite - just look the homeless in the eye and tell them " I don't give a shit 'cos I have cash and you don't"

And finally - if you like singing - then the Glide has no equal - it is really rather special.

In the land of milk and honey - and where everyone talks about the next IPO and making it big in stock options, it's surprising that you don't meet many software millionaires that are black.

Statistically this is improbable.

It's a funny old world-
so long as you are white, middle class and have "options".

But that isn't necessarily all true

I live and work with some special people (OK some are special needs, but we'll leave them out for now).
It's a mix, you see, it's not really any different from the UK - where the city types and bankers say Yah rather then Yeah - and the 'chavs' wear burberry before they go out for a pleasant evening of hooliganism and mugging.

At least - in the USA - and San Francisco in particular -you know where you stand

..............................some of the time.

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